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Thursday, July 7, 2011

The “NEW” Nitty Gritty of Writing

Dear Readers,
It is my aim to create a blog that is more user-friendly and reliable. This is one of the things I contemplated during my long absence from blogging and so I decided to make a schedule for posts. I hope this will help direct the focus of my blog, The Nitty Gritty of Writing, into two main categories: 1) tips and resources for writers; and 2) announcements of contests, events, conferences, etc. I will also continue to write my reflections in which I will include personal commentary, book reviews, and occasionally feature a guest blogger. I suppose this constitutes a third category, but I’m not going to promise when or how often these will be posted. (After all, there has to be some aspect left to whim and inspiration, right??)

Here’s the proposed schedule for the “NEW” Nitty Gritty of Writing:

Mondays = tips and resources for writers
Thursdays = announcements
Random days = reflections (can’t be too rigid, you know!)

This schedule will begin on Monday, July 11, 2011

As always, I welcome your feedback!

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