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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Pedestal Magazine

Writer’s write. That’s true, but they also submit their work in the hopes that more people will read what they write.

I’ve recently found a high quality online magazine that I think is well worth your time. The Pedestal Magazine publishes 6 times a year accepts submissions regularly all year round. Both poetry and fiction are accepted and their pay rate is attractive. Don’t be intimidated by the quality of work they publish, rather let yourself be inspired by a high bar that you can aim to achieve.

In a review written by Suite 101 writer Rickey R. Mallory, ”The Pedestal Magazine is a professional rate ezine, one of the very few I've seen on the Internet. They have a polished, quality look, and the site is easy to navigate.” It is also impressive that they respond within 4-6 weeks to submissions.

Go through the archives to see what kinds of things they have published in the past. This is helpful just to know, not to use as a model to follow. In their submission guidelines they make it very clear that they are open to works that are not at all like what they have previously published. “We are always looking for the original piece, the piece that defies categorization and egregiously asserts its uniqueness.

If that doesn’t motivate you, maybe their pay rate will. They pay $40.00 for each published poem and $.08 per word for fiction.

Here is what they are accepting for the next issue: “Re fiction for the February 2011 issue (reading cycle December 28-February 14): we will be accepting both longer works and flash fiction, literary and genre work. Writers may submit up to two (2) flash pieces but are asked to submit only one (1) longer work (piece over 1000 words).

Writers Write. 
They also submit their work.
Check out this online magazine!


  1. Thanks for this. I'm always looking for something new.

  2. Thanks Anne - if you submit something, by all means let me know! I will do likewise,
